So yeah Roy and Anna both did one of these and it piqued my interest so I do am doing a 5 weird things about Fishy. Enjoy!
1. Since I think everyone in the world has something about food I'll start with mine. I'm a very picky and apparently slow eater. Jamie used to make fun of me in that he could eat a foot long sub before I ate a 6-inch one. Part of the reason I eat slowly is that I like to eat one thing at a time. If I've got steak, mashed potatoes, corn, green beans, and bread, I'll eat one at a time until it is gone but there's no special order. Secondly I believe all fast food restaurant burgers should come plain or with just cheese then people can order what they want on them. I can have a burger with just cheese, or just mustard, or just ketchup but cannot have any combination. I also feel the nexus of evil are pickles, mushrooms, onions, spinach, and asparagus....YUCK!!!
2. Most everyone who knows me knows that I am a "low" talker, but most don't know why. I have damn good hearing, proof of which in college physics we did a hearing test and I was 1 or 2 people left who could hear the lowest or highest pitched sound. Why does this lead to my low talking? Well its because when I am talking I think I am being very loud. There are times I feel I am yelling at people but they ask me to speak up. So if you are talking to me and I am speaking low please ask me to speak up because I always think I'm talking too loudly.
3. I absolutely hate talking on the phone! 90% of the time my phones calls are, "Hey what's up, you coming over?" Generally its just to confirm meeting times or see if someone wants to do something real quick. I really can only take about 15 minutes on the phone. I just hate the whole act of holding up this little piece of plastic to my ear for hours. If at all possible I would rather just see you in person. Now don't get me wrong if I have to I will, I've even done 15hours straight...when I was young and in love....but I will never like it.
4. This one is kinda disgusting and is inherited from my father but I'm a sweater. Even when I was in decent shape and weighed a low amount I would sweat when hot. I think its part hereditary, part that I'm always in cool environments, and now being out of shape and overweight. I always remember being younger watching dad mow or work on a car or bike he would just be drenched in sweat and thinking thats disgusting but now whenever I am doing something like that I just start to drip as well. I've always been lucky and had jobs in nice air conditioned places so my body is always used to some temp between 69-75 degrees so when its above that I get hot. I remember Jason who worked as a cook for a long time would always being cold because he worked in front of a hot grill all day. He'd wear long sleeves and jeans in 80 degree weather and not be hot. I know Jamie feels my pain but if its hot or I'm active I am gonna sweat, can't help it.
5. Lastly is I am good at most everything and great at nothing. I have always done everything that I've trully applied myself at from school to sports to games to work related tasks and do them all well. However I have never just been great at any of these things. I honestly feel if I'm tasked with doing something, I would be ranked in around the 70-80% range but never get into the elite top 20%, nor will I be in the bottom 60%. So yes I've resigned myself to being just merely good at things :)
Ahhhh preach it brother! But do not allow yourself to become diverted from the source of evil and damnation in the world, the pickle must be stopped. We must go forth and preach to the masses. They must know the Devil's handiwork.
Okay... you have great hearing but listen to your music as loud as you do?? THAT is one of your weird things! But I love you anyway!
i lurve the fishy.......but i don't understand the antipickleite stuff......pickles are good for you!
Sue me I like to rock out...haha. My rock band quote is "if it's too loud then you're too old!" :) I thought music was made to listen to at a level that blows speakers and ear drums at the same time.
and at like poker night I have the music loud and its everyone else who wants it turned down cause they can't hear the conversations but I can hehe..see
I don't think your food thing is strange. Well, not eating one thing at a time. Plus, it's good to eat slow. ;)
oh and one ammendment to my phone thing. I do love to im chat on gmail, yahoo, myspace, or aol....I don't mind that so much because I don't have to give 100% attention and can be watching tv or listening to music....oh and don't have to hold a lil plastic thing to my ear!
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