Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Yippie...I'm a junkie for technology!

So I'm pretty excited that I just got my new XPS Labtop. I know some of you bitch about Dell but they had a $850, free shipping, no interest for 12 months deal that I couldn't pass up. I've wanted a new computer for a while now being mine was bought about 6 years ago, which makes it about 20yrs old in computer years, and also a Labtop to take to work since it is sooo boring. Well now I've got both along with Verizon Wireless Broadband, meaning no more boring days at work as I can play games, surf the web, chat with people on Google chat, AIM, Yahoo, etc...and maybe even get a second job as a Google Clicker...whatever that is. So yeah pretty stoked as its a mean looking machine!


Nikki said...

Congrats! I've never bitched about Dell if that helps. :)

beinmyOWNself said...

im jealous...my computer is um, "special"...enjoy your new toy, hon!

beinmyOWNself said...

hey, did you ever find out what a google "clicker" is? cuz inquiring dotties want to know:)

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