Thursday, June 19, 2008

Amazing Tiger..........

I just have to marvel at how amazing Tiger Woods is. We are truly witnessing modern history and the most dominate player of any competitive sport. Golf is by far the hardest, most mentally challenging sport to play. You can be great and make just one mistake that can cost you the entire hole. A person can hit 2 or 3 great shots and then 2 bad putts and get bogey on a hole. For those who walk the course you truly have to be in shape to maintain a high level because once you get tired and your mechanics and mental fatigue start to take over your game can fall apart. You have to be near perfect and very consistent to be a "great" player in the golf world and even these guys have very poor showings from time to time. Golf is a very difficult, very precise, very unforgiving sport.

All of that makes what Tiger Woods did over the weekend even more incredible. For every other golfer just playing the U.S. Open(one of the 4 Major Golf Championships) and winning in a extra 19 hole playoff would be a remarkable feat. However Tiger Woods played 91 holes and won this even....ON A TORN ACL IN HIS LEFT KNEE and 2 STRESS FRACTURES IN HIS LEFT FIBULA!!!! You could see after almost every shot he took that he was in pain but nobody realized how bad it was because it was kept quiet until after the fact. The doctor told Tiger, "You need 3 weeks on crutches followed by 3 weeks of rest." However after being informed that he could do no further damage Tiger replied "I am going to play in the U.S. Open and win it!" So he proceeded to walk the course and swing the club an average of 4 times per hole for 91 holes over a 4 day period and win his 14th Major Championship. Tiger Woods will have surgery and be done for the rest of the year but this accomplishment will be the stamp of what will be the career of the best golfer to ever play the game!


AnnaMarie said...

I don't play golf, and I won't claim to understand it, but I did see clips of this match. I agree with you whole heartedly. I heard someone say that Tiger plays better than Bill Gates makes computers. I think that is absolutely true.

Nikki said...

I agree. I don't watch golf either but I can truely appreciate him and what a great golfer he is.