Wednesday, December 5, 2007

It's A Movie People!!!

So something has been bothering me lately and it just drives me up the wall. I have seen all this press about The Golden Compass and that it is Anti-Religion. I wrong or is this not a movie that is a FANTASY! It's not intended to be a realistic take of someone else's ideal of religion but a form of entertainment. I don't seem to remember a huge uproar over the Lord of the Rings Trilogy with people attacking it and saying it is anti-religion even though there were elves, dwarves, beings who lived forever, a different take on heavan, etc, etc....So why so many complaints about the Golden Compass?? Some people just have to complain about everything, if you're not interested in it, don't see it. It's a pretty simple concept. It's a fictional piece of entertainment, grow up!


Nikki said...

Thank you! If something like a movie can break your faith, then it wasn't that strong to begin with. I think people these days need to just chill out.

Anne and Leigh said...

You are so right, most people just need a reason to bitch. Seems they have found one!


Jenn-Jenn, the Mother Hen said...

Hey, Fishie! I come to your blog by way of Strangeite's blog. In fact, you knew me in high school. Just wanted to say I completely agree with you about TGC. Some Christians seem to feel that freedom of speech and religion only applies if you are a white, heterosexual Christian being "oppressed" by others. But when it is a non-white or non-Christian (or non-hetero), then they are wrong and must be protested against. It really irritates me when ultra conservatives give the rest of Christians a bad reputation!

Anywhoo, I'm currently reading the books (and reading them to my almost-10 year old son) and then plan to see the movie. Maybe I'll even stir things up a bit by bringing the books to church with me next Sunday!

(BTW - know who I am yet?)