So two events happened today at the mall that just made me shake my head in disgust. The first was another store issue that I should add to my book....Common Courtesy and How to Shop! A couple ladies came into the store today and wanted to purchase a Tiffany style stained glass UK lamp. The lamp weighs maybe 25 lbs max but comes in a bulky box but by no means heavy. So I'm ringing up the purchase when the lady looks at me and rudely says, "You're carrying that out to my car for me right!" My response was a polite No! If you want to pay me I will otherwise its not part of my job. We are a small store, have no dolly or cart, 70% of the time only have one employee on shift, and yes its not in my job description to carry the stuff people buy across the mall for them to their car. We offered the advice that Sears offers shopping carts and they could get one of those. I told them it wasn't that heavy and one of the ladies even picked it up and remarked that it wasn't heavy just bulky, yet still bitched that we wouldn't take it out to her car. For those of you who don't know just because you make a purchase somewhere does not mean the employee is YOUR BITCH. I do not understand why you come to make a purchase like that and not be prepared to get it to your car. I purchased a 32 inch tv from Wal-Mart and they gave me a cart and otherwise sent me on my way. I didn't moan and groan and complain, I expected to carry the item to my car. When I got my 42 inch tv I had to pay Sears $50 to deliver it to my house. Its also not like these ladies were handicapped, elderly, or unable to carry it out which would be another story all together.
Secondly when I went to lunch I saw the Police talking to a table of elderly women. I went to Tumbleweed and made my order and inquired to what was going on. They proceeded to tell me that some guy walked past a handicapped, elderly woman in a wheelchair and stole her purse off the chair, ran out the mall doors, and into a waiting car which sped off. Are you kidding me? Stealing from an old, handicapped woman!!!! How low do some people have to stoop? How much money could she honsestly have? This is one of the most dispicable things I have heard of in a good while and cannot believe how some people are. I am aware that bad people do bad things to good people everyday but is their not a bottom level. Whomever did this is the scum on the bottom of a public toilet, thats how low and worthless they are. Like this woman doesn't have enough problems to deal with daily she's got to deal with this. I feel like throwing up!
Dude that sucks. I hope that the person that stole from the old lady gets bit in the ass by Karma big time. It makes me sad to think that there are people in the world who are like that.
did you ever think that maybe the girl who wanted you to carry the lamp to her car might have wanted some of that ass???? hmmmm...too late now.
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